Posts Tagged With: Villa #17

The Trip That Almost Wasn’t Starts Wiith a Soak

Flowers, Desert Hot Springs, Two Bunch PalmsSome trips are a sure thing and even as they are they may not be.  Isn’t that the way life is?  The journey is never a straight line from point A to point B.  Sometimes there are so many sidetracks that you almost feel your destination wasn’t meant to be.   That is the way this trip was.

Baby Blue (aka: my Prius) is all ready to go.  I and he are at our best and happiest heading out into the horizon.   Our little family unit of  Baby Blue, Daisy (the sexy GPS), and I head to the airport where we will pick up the fourth component of the family.  Tutu stayed home due to a lack of planning on my part and having forgotten to put him in the car.

Hot Mineral Springs, Desert Hot Springs, Two Bunch Palms

We are headed to a soak in the most  mentally and physically healing waters close to Los Angeles.   Desert Hot Springs is a 2 hour drive from Los Angeles Airport (LAX), where I pick up Dean, and a world away.  Our destination is Two Bunch Palms Two Bunch Palms, Desert Hot Springsand its hot mineral springs.   I did a program on this resort almost 13 years ago and I am curious as to how it holds up to the amazingly Zen feeling it provided me even in the midst of production and scheduling woes.

Two Bunch Palms

Villa #17 Entrance

I have checked in the night before, not willing to hassle through check-in early in the morning.   A full report/review can be found on my blog: Life Lived and Reviewed.

Our backyard:   Villa#17Backyard

The resort is at capacity.  Not exactly what I wanted or expected but it will do.  It still gives me a good feeling to see a baby elephant (albeit in statue form) in the tranquil grounds.  Two Bunch Palms, Desert Hot SpringsTwo Bunch Palms, Desert Hot Springs And frankly a late night immersion and float in the hot mineral springs grotto releases all my tense muscles and hesitations.  This was for sure a good way to start our venture to Europe.

Breakfast Eggs Florentine, Two Bunch Palms, Breakfast(in our robes) with a beautiful view of the mountains Two Bunch Palms, Desert Hot Springs makes us feel a bit  more gelatinous than the solid mass of bones and muscles we actually are.   We top it off with another long soak before we head back to Los Angeles and to packing for our London, Paris, Berlin and wherever-else-our-heart-points-us-to jaunt.

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